1. XenForo 1.5.14 中文版——支持中文搜索!现已发布!查看详情
  2. Xenforo 爱好者讨论群:215909318 XenForo专区

Desktop Version For Mobiles 简体中文版 1.2.0


  1. 版本更新

    1. It is now possible to view the desktop version of the admincp (requires xenforo 1.5 or higher)
      Note: The desktop version of the admincp is buggy in touch devices (unrelated to this addon), but it still possible to view some hidden settings that the responsive view removes.

    2. The setting to change button location moved from options to style properties. In other words, you can now customize it per style.
      Note: If you changed the location in the old setting, you will need to change it again manually in the new style property.