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新闻 MicroPython 1.8.5 发布,轻量级 Python 3 实现 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2016-10-23 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    MicroPython 1.8.5 发布,该版本主要是加入了对Zephyr Project的支持(Zephyr Project是一个开源的RTOS)。

    py core:
    - asmthumb: flush D-cache, and invalidate I-cache on STM32F7
    - makeqstrdefs.py: use python 2.6 syntax for set creation
    - objnone: remove unnecessary handling of MP_UNARY_OP_BOOL
    - move frozen modules rules from esp8266 port for reuse across ports
    - combine 3 comprehension emit functions (list/dict/set) into 1
    - combine 3 comprehension opcodes (list/dict/set) into 1
    - vstr: remove vstr.had_error flag and inline basic vstr functions
    - objnone: use mp_generic_unary_op instead of custom one
    - showbc: make printf's go to the platform print stream
    - remove 'name' member from mp_obj_module_t struct
    - builtinimport: fix nanbox build after change to better handle -m modules
    - stream: remove unnecessary check for NULL return from vstr_extend
    - py.mk: suppress some compiler warnings when building berkeley-db
    - shrink mp_arg_t struct by using reduced-size integer members
    - update opcode format table because 3 opcodes were removed, 1 added
    - parse: only replace constants that are standalone identifiers
    - py.mk: add support for building modussl_mbedtls
    - only store the exception instance on Py stack in bytecode try block
    - vm: use MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR to cast a type to an object
    - modmicropython: add micropython.const, alias for identity function
    - objstr: remove unreachable function used only for terse error msgs
    - emitbc: remove/refactor unreachable code, to improve coverage
    - objfun: remove unnecessary check for viper fun with 5 or more args
    - objfun: use if instead of switch to check return value of VM execute
    - objset: use mp_check_self() to check args of set/frozenset methods
    - objset: ensure that use of frozenset.update raises an exception
    - compile: fix async-for/async-with to work with simpler exc on stack
    - scope: use lookup-table to determine a scope's simple name
    - scope: shrink scope_t struct by 1 machine word
    - scope: factor common code to find locals and close over them
    - compile: fix typo when checking for parse-node kind
    - argcheck: simplify if-chain so that the last one is the default
    - objbool: defer bool's unary op implementation to small int
    - objbool: make a slight simplification of bool constructor
    - modstruct: remove unreachable code, and add comment about CPy diff
    - add mp_raise_OSError(errno) helper function
    - objstringio: add readinto() method
    - modmicropython: add micropython.opt_level([value]) function
    - compile: remove unreachable code
    - mpz: in divmod, replace check for rhs!=0 with assert
    - mpz: use assert to verify mpz does not have a fixed digit buffer
    - factor duplicated function to calculate size of formatted int
    - objint: use size_t for arguments that measure bytes/sizes
    - compile: remove debugging code for compiler dispatch
    - lexer: remove unnecessary code, and unreachable code
    - vstr: combine vstr_new_size with vstr_new since they are rarely used
    - objdict: fix optimisation for allocating result in fromkeys
    - objdict: actually provide the key that failed in KeyError exception
    - use mp_raise_msg helper function where appropriate
    - add the module specified by -m to sys.modules as '__main__'



    MicroPython 1.8.5 发布,轻量级 Python 3 实现下载地址